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What happens in Albuquerque is not just a festival...


Flamenco Scholar

Join us for the 38th Festival Flamenco Alburquerque—an unforgettable celebration of the vibrant culture and soul-stirring art of flamenco.

Produced and presented by the National Institute of Flamenco, Festival Flamenco Alburquerque offers a unique opportunity to witness world-class performances, learn from renowned artists, and connect with a vibrant community of flamenco students, fans, and aficionados.

Get ready to be captivated as we come together to celebrate the rich heritage and timeless allure of flamenco in the Land of Enchantment.

See all the artists coming to Festival Flamenco Alburquerque 38!

Stay connected with the latest from Festival Flamenco.

Don’t miss the largest flamenco festival outside of Spain!

This year Festival Flamenco Alburquerque (FFABQ) turns 37. We look forward to a thrilling 9 days that showcase the power of flamenco and honor the legacy of this event.