
y compañía in

Bailar no es Solo Bailar


Mon. June 24 at 8:00pm



National Hispanic Cultural Center

Ticket Packages

Individual Tickets

$55, $70, $85, $100, $115
*includes $4 NHCC Fee

Bailar no es Solo Bailar


Three vertices with enough distance between them to create a clear center, an internal space, that like a matrix houses the answers; this project intends to find its center through an exercise in triads. To answer our questions by creating a scenic triangulation, the first geometric triangulation of Flamenco on boards and therefore the perfect vehicle to retrace this path, to undertake a return to the origin, to Flamenco as a pure, territorial, and maternal heartbeat. To the scene without deception. To the dance without evasion.

Three universes to generate fertile space to deepen, undo, merge, and be reborn. Away from the usual accompaniment to immerse ourselves in a real, inescapable encounter, with the intention of creating a living game. In this game, bodies interact and coexist to connect, enhance, and destroy each other; truth, honest drive, and the search for certainty is the only assertion. Our triangle will be a battlefield for Eduardo Guerrero to stalk his genesis, his first dance, his ten-year career, his relationship with Flamenco, his body and its plasticity. To carry out this approach other vertices are needed, axes destined to empower and provoke the dancer to find his instinctive and unpretentious dance, practically unstoppable, that emerges from the need to move the emotion to understand it, to root it, or to devour it.

This project aims to dive into the basics in a humble, simple way, without distracting artifacts and observe what happens when we let the minimal invade us, that innocent dance of the beginning returns to our body.

What happens when we eliminate all the subterfuge to see how the body beats and honestly gives into itself to blur and melt.

A triad to return to Flamenco as catharsis, as a language to unburden the heart and let the soul free. To return to Flamenco as a collective communion and sacred meeting, as a vehicle that brought us to the here and now and from which we will return to the before.

His movements draw both geometric and asymmetric figures, his arms seem to have no end… Eduardo is one of those who, over time, has reached the highest echelon. – Juan Garrido, Expo Flamenco

Bailar no es Solo Bailar

Cast & Credits

Eduardo Guerrero
Samara Montañez
Ángeles Toledano
Benito Bernal
Pino Losada
Antonio Carmona

Learn More About

Eduardo Guerrero

Eduardo Guerrero González was born in Cádiz in 1983 and started dancing at just six years old at Carmen Guerrero’s school. He began to develop in depth alongside great teachers such as Mario Maya, Antonio Canales, and Manolo Marín. He studied at the Cádiz Dance Conservatory and later expanded his knowledge of contemporary and classical dance. Starting in 2002, he began to work with great artists who valued his physical ability and refined technique, developing leading roles in the Companies of Aida Gómez, Eva La Yerbabuena, Rocío Molina, Javier Latorre, Rafael Aguilar, and the National Ballet of Spain.
In 2011, he began touring with his original choreographies, including Desplante in 2015, Qualitätskontrolle in Amsterdam in 2016, and Guerrero in 2017, which won the Audience Award a tthat year’s Festival de Jerez. He returned to Spain with Faro in 2017, and Sombra Efímera at the XX Bienal de Sevilla. Sombra Efímera II wowed audiences at the Teatro La Maestranza de Sevilla in 2019.
In 2021, Guerrero presented the acclaimed Debajo de los Pies at the Festival de Jerez, which earned him a 2022 Lorca Prize for Best Male Flamenco Dancer. Currently, Eduardo is immersed in his new show Bailar no es Solo Bailar, and continues work on Debajo de los Pies, the most personal, transgressive and ambitious projects of his career. In 2023, Guerrero won three awards, the Silver Slipper from Indanza Almería, the Alma Andalucia Award from the Junta Andalucia and FECACE, and the Guitarra con Alma prize at the XXVII Festival de Jerez.
After resounding success in the Lorca and Granada Cycle in the Generalife Gardens, he continues a fearless exploration of dance, breaking established conventions, and experiencing new performances within the plastic and visual arts. Now is the moment of this great dancer who, with a current aesthetic and a deep knowledge of the essence of flamenco excites and triumphs wherever he dances.

Eduardo Guerrero

Study with
Eduardo Guerrero

during festival flamenco 37